Flagstaff's Community Orchestra
Frequently Asked Questions
We welcome your questions! Please don’t hesitate to ask—we are here to help! Contact us!
Do I have to audition to be in the orchestra?
No. Musicians 14 years and older are invited to join. Please take a look at the music to see if you are comfortable playing at the orchestra's level. If you are unsure, you may sit in on a rehearsal before making a commitment.
I haven't played my instrument for a long time. Is it still all right for me to join?
Absolutely. Many of our musicians had a long hiatus from their instrument before joining ONA.
I've never played in a full orchestra. Is it still all right for me to join?
Yes. All we require is the desire to learn and play symphonic music.
As a violinist, can I choose which section I would like to play in?
Yes, you may choose to play in whichever section you are most comfortable.
I play the harp/piano/banjo. Is there room for me in the orchestra?
If your instrument is used in traditional orchestra music, we would like to know about your ability and interest. There may a part for you in one of our programs.
How many concerts are there?
ONA performs four times per season, usually in October, December, February and May.
Is there a fee to participate?
The membership fee for ONA is $100 per year. This may be broken into two equal payments. If paying within the first three weeks of the season, the yearly fee is $90. Much of the ONA budget is funded through grants, donations, and program ads, which allows us to keep our membership fees low and affordable. We want everyone who want to play to be able to play. If you are in need of scholarship, please contact us.
When will rehearsals start and where will they take place?
Rehearsals are on Mondays. They typically start at the end of August from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. p.m., in the Coconino High School band room, 2801 N. Izabel St., Flagstaff.
Do I have to join at the beginning of the season?
No. You can join anytime during the course of the season. Contact us when you are ready to join.
How do I sign up?
Please Contact Us. While we typically have room for all stringed instruments, space is sometimes limited for winds and brass and our principle conductor will determine what space we have or what instrumentation is needed.
If I am a middle or high school student, can I play in ONA ?
Yes. ONA is open to students 14 and older.